Agenda item

Sport and Physical Activity Review Revised Outline Business Case


The Committee considered the report.


RESOLVED – That the Committee


That the Policy and Resources Committee


1.    Approves that the Danegrove Playing Field, Victoria Recreation Ground  and Copthall sites are taken through to the next stage of the project for further public consultation and consideration by planning (section 4 Feasibility Study).

2.    Approves capital funding of £23.2m, including associated professional fees, for the re-provision of Church Farm and Copthall leisure centres. ( section 4 Feasibility Study and Affordability Analysis).

3.    Approves the use of £3.4m from CIL through the Infrastructure Reserve funding to contribute to the £23.2m capital costs required to fund the re-provision of Church Farm and Copthall leisure centres. 

4.    Approves the use of capital receipts from the existing Church Farm site to contribute to the £23.2m capital costs required to fund the re-provision of Church Farm and Copthall Leisure Centres.

5.    Approves the commencement of the procurement work-streams featuring a competitive procedure with negotiation (a new procurement procedure) for the leisure centre management contract and utilising existing government construction frameworks for the design and build contract of Church Farm and Copthall leisure centres (section 9 procurement strategy).

6.    Delegates authority to the  Commercial and Customer Services Director to enter into dialogue with the council to look at the possibility of using Schedule 40 of the Capita / Barnet partnering agreement to commission CSG to provide managing agent services, both for the existing leisure management contract and the new arrangement once it is procured (section 9 Procurement Strategy).

7.    Approves a maximum budget of £440k for the delivery of the pre-implementation phases of the project (Section 10.2.1)


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