Agenda item

Any matters Referred by Members of the Committee relating to key decisions made by:

Cabinet 17th July 2012

Cabinet Resources Committee  17th July 2012 ;or

Any action taken by Cabinet Member(s) and /or Directors/Chief Officers under delegated powers (Executive Functions)


Decision of the Cabinet Member for Resources and Performance – Sale of the freehold interest in the former Hendon Football Club Ground and adjoining land Claremont Road, Hendon


The Committee considered a call-in by Councillor Jack Cohen of the Cabinet Resources Committee decision of 17 July 2012 on the Sale of freehold interest in the former Hendon Football Club ground and adjoining land Claremont Road, Hendon.


Two representatives from the London Jewish Girls High School provided comment to the committee outlining the case for supporting the school’s bid to buy the freehold and raising their concerns in relation to the council’s decision to sell to Montclare Ltd.


Following the submission of their comments, the representatives from the school provided clarifications and responses to questions raised by the committee.


Following the public comments Councillor Jack Cohen addressed the committee stating the reasons for calling in the item as:


1)     To ask questions about the status of Montclare Ltd and whether this company has actually made an offer

2)     To seek information whether the three relevant Companies that are Hendon Football Club Ltd, Montclare Developments Ltd and Montclare LTD are insolvent

3)     To ask why the Authority is willing to sell to an under bidder and to ask whether this is lawful

4)     To ask for a detailed response to allegations that Hendon Football Club is in default on its Bank Loan and as a result does not control the destiny of its lease.

5)     To ask whether Barnet should fight the Judicial Review with the potential for huge costs to the Council Taxpayer and in particular to ask the Cabinet Member to tell me  if he has had advice form officers and what advice he has had of the merits of the case and whether he believes fighting the case is a good use of Council Tax payers money.


In response to the questions raised by Councillor Jack Cohen the committee were provided with written responses from Councillor Daniel Thomas, the Cabinet Member for Resources and Performance.


Councillor Richard Cornelius, the Leader of the Council attended in person accompanied by the Director of Commercial Services, the Director of Corporate Governance, the Valuation Manager and the Principal Valuer, to provide the committee with clarifications to the written answers provided by Councillor Thomas and respond to further questions raised by the committee.


In response to questions raised by the committee clarifications were provided in relation to the process of judicial review, the financial status of the concerned parties, consideration of the broader community benefits in relation to the disposals of the leasehold and land, and the decision of the District Valuer in determining best value.


Following consideration of the responses provided the Committee decided to refer the decision back to Cabinet Resources Committee for further consideration.




  1. That the decision be referred back to Cabinet Resources Committee for reconsideration.


  1. That additional information be provided to the Cabinet Resources Committee prior to their reconsideration of the decision in relation to:


·   The council’s obligations under the Equalities Act 2010 in relation to the decision

·   Information on the financial status of Montclare Developments Ltd, Montclare Limited and Hendon Football Club Limited’

·   Consideration of any wider community benefits of the London Jewish Girls High School bid


  1. That, subject to the outcome of their reconsideration of the decision, Cabinet Resources Committee ensure that any potential negotiations taking place with the London Jewish Girls High School include consideration of the provision of local community services.


Decision of the Leader of the Council - Delegated Powers Report 1727 (Environment, Planning and Regeneration Fees and Charges for 2012/13)


The Committee considered a call-in by Councillor Kath McGuirk in relation to the Decision of the Leader of the Council - Delegated Powers Report 1727 (Environment, Planning and Regeneration Fees and Charges for 2012/13).


Councillor McGuirk informed the Committee that the objective of the call-in was to refer the decision back so that it could be reconsidered with variations put forward by Councillor McGuirk to be included.


The Cabinet Member for Environment, Councillor Dean Cohen, and the Interim Director of Environment, Planning and Regeneration addressed the Committee in relation to the issues raised by Councillor McGuirk providing responses in relation to changes to parking fee arrangements and the review of town centre parking.


In relation to the review of town centre parking arrangements, Councillor Salinger requested that the findings of these reviews be presented to the committee upon conclusion.


Following consideration of the responses provided the Committee decided not to refer the decision back to the decision maker for further consideration.


Resolved that –


The decision will not be referred back


Decision of Cabinet – 17 July 2012 – Agenda Item 10 – Report of the Cabinet Member for Environment – Events in Park Policy


The Committee considered a call-in by Councillor Kath McGuirk in relation to the Decision of Cabinet – 17 July 2012 – Agenda Item 10 – Report of the Cabinet Member for Environment – Events in Park Policy.


Councillor McGuirk addressed the Committee in support of her call-in. Councillor McGuirk sought clarification regarding the decision to continue with proposals to host events in the borough’s parks.


The Cabinet Member for Environment, Councillor Dean Cohen, and the Interim Director for Environment, Planning and Regeneration, provided clarification to the points raised by the Committee in relation to which parks were included in the policy, public consultation, costs and how the policy would be implemented. 


Following consideration of the responses provided the Committee decided not to refer the decision back to the decision maker for further consideration.


Resolved that –


The decision will not be referred back


Decision of Cabinet – 17 July 2012 – Agenda item 11 - Report of the Cabinet Member for Adults - Re-shaping Day opportunities for Older People in Barnet: Results on Consultation and Recommendations for a future service.


The Committee considered a call-in by Councillor Barry Rawlings in relation to the Decision of Cabinet – 17 July 2012 – Agenda item 11 - Report of the Cabinet Member for Adults - Re-shaping Day opportunities for Older People in Barnet: Results on Consultation and Recommendations for a future service.


Councillor Rawlings addressed the Committee outlining the reasons for calling-in the decision.


The Cabinet Member for Adults, Councillor Sachin Rajput, and the Director for Adult Social Care and Health were in attendance to provide responses and clarifications to the Committee in relation to the 2012/13 budget reduction for older adults voluntary sector funding and how these may impact service delivery of day opportunities and sensitivity to service users cultural needs.


Following consideration of the responses provided the Committee decided not to refer the decision back to the decision maker for further consideration.


Resolved that –


The decision will not be referred back


Decision of Cabinet resources Committee – 17 July 2012 – Agendas Item 6 - Report of the Cabinet Member for Education, Children and Families - Consultation on proposed changes to the funding formula of Children’s Centres


The Committee considered a call-in by Councillor Barry Rawlings in relation to the Decision of Cabinet Resources Committee – 17 July 2012 – Agenda Item 6 - Report of the Cabinet Member for Education, Children and Families - Consultation on proposed changes to the funding formula of Children’s Centres.


Councillor Arjun Mittra addressed the Committee outlining his concerns in relation to the funding proposals, the impact on childcare costs for working families and the impact on disadvantaged areas of the borough.


Councillor Rawlings addressed the Committee outlining the reasons for calling-in the decision.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Children and Families, Councillor Andrew Harper, and the Deputy Director for Children’s Services were in attendance to provide responses and clarifications with regard to the impact of the decision taken by Cabinet Resources Committee on the proposed changes to the funding formula, in particular the impact of the changes on working parents, and the take-up rates of child care provision at Children’s Centres. The Cabinet Member also noted that the issues of concern raised had also been addressed in pre-decision scrutiny meetings of the Safeguarding Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Following consideration of the responses provided the Committee decided not to refer the decision back to the decision maker for further consideration.


Resolved that –


The decision will not be referred back


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