Browse meetings

Re Contract Review Member Working Group

This page lists the meetings for Re Contract Review Member Working Group.


Information about Re Contract Review Member Working Group

The Re contract commenced on the 1st October 2013 and allows for a review at the end of year four. The contractual arrangements for conducting the review are set out in clause 37.4 of the contract.


Clause 37.4 of the Re contract expressly provides for this year four review and expressly allows for modification to the contract resulting from that review. Therefore, any agreed changes to the contract will be in line with the Public Contract Regulations 2015 as long as the changes do not alter the overall nature of the contract.


The Performance and Contract Management Committee on 7th January 2016 established a Member-led Working Group to oversee the year three review of the Customer and Support Group (CSG) contract. At its meeting on 5th January 2017, the Committee agreed to that the remit of the established Member-led Working Group be extended to provide oversight of the Year Four Re Contract Review and that it continues to meet, as required, to fulfil that purpose.


The role of the Working Group will be to provide Member oversight to the Year Four Re Contract Review, including:


·         providing strategic direction to the Review;

·         agreeing the overall aims, objectives and desired outcomes of the Review;

·         considering and challenging the evidence;

·         agreeing the recommendations to Committee.


This contract provides the following services on behalf of the Council:

 1) Development and Regulatory Services (DRS), including:

            Planning and Development Management;


            Strategic Planning;

            Building Control;

Land Charges;

Environmental Health;

            Trading Standards and Licensing; and

Cemetery and Crematorium.

2) Highways services including:

            Network Management;

            Traffic & Development; and



The review process is designed to give both parties an opportunity to:  consider what is working well; identify areas for improvement; and to consider the changing needs and priorities of the Council.  It is intended that the Review will commence in January 2017, with a view to it being substantially completed by July 2017.  It is further intended that the Review will be conducted in a similar manner to the CSG Contract Review, with the collection and consideration of evidence leading to constructive dialogue with Capita Business Services Ltd, to agree any changes required to the contract.

The contract changes agreed will need to be authorised by the relevant officer in line with the Council’s constitution and documented in a Deed of Variation or similar legal form to ensure that they are legally binding on both parties.


The Re review is an opportunity to assess the performance and service delivery from the first four years of the contract and to ensure that the contract is best placed to meet the future needs of the Council.


The review will look at ways to improve service delivery and residents’ experience of using the services, as well as identify approaches to income generation and opportunities for savings in response to the changing needs of the Council and the borough.


The Council would like to hear the views of residents, traders and local businesses about the contract in respect of:

·         Their experiences of using and interacting with the services provided under the contract, in particular:  highways; planning; environmental services (environmental health, trading standards etc.); and cemetery and crematorium

·         Suggestions for how these services might need to change to meet the changing needs of residents

·         Any other aspects of the operation of the contract


As part of the review, a meeting of the Member Working Group will be held in public on Tuesday 25th April 2017 at 7.00pm at Hendon Town Hall. 


Members of the public may submit their views on the services provided through the contract to Councillors in the form of a written statement.  It would be helpful if this include a brief description of the level of interaction there has been with the service concerned (for example, one instance, or regular contact over a period of time).  Members of the public may also address Councillors at the public meeting on the 25th April.

At the meeting, Councillors may wish to ask questions to clarify the points being made.  The Council will not respond to individual submissions, but will consider them as part of the overall evidence base that will inform the outcomes of the review. 


The deadline for submission of written statements and requests to address the meeting is 10.00am on Thursday 20th April 2017.


For further information about how to get involved, and to submit submissions please contact Michael Van-Yeboah ( 0208 359 5337).


The Group has discretion to determine its own working arrangements.  For this review, they have decided to hold one meeting in public.   The Council is committed to conducting the contract review openly and transparently, while balancing the need to conduct consideration of its commercial negotiating position privately.  The Performance and Contract Management Committee will receive regular reports on the progress of this contract review and will consider any recommendations made by the Working Group in due course.