Agenda and minutes

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Contact: Maria Lugangira 020 8359 2761 Email: 

No. Item




That the minutes of the meeting held on the 25 June 2013, be approved as a correct recorded.


Absence of Members


There were none.


Disclosable Pecuniary interests and Non Pecuniary interests


Councillor :

Agenda Item(s) :

Interest :


Andreas Tambourides 

Item 8


Walksafe  N14 Petition

Pecuniary interest as Councillor Tambourides is a governor at Osidge School. Councillor Tambourides withdrew from the room during the discussion and voting on this item

Pauline Coakley Webb

Non Pecuniary interest as Councillor Coakley Webb is a member of the East Barnet Residents Association Committee and knows one of the speakers, Mr Daniel Hope who is Chairman of the East Barnet Residents Association. Councillor Coakley Webb took part in discussion and voting on this item.



Public Question Time (if any)


There were none.


Members Item: Councillor Pauline Coakley Webb - 20mph speed limit on all residential road in Friern Barnet Village N11 and extension of double yellow lines pdf icon PDF 99 KB


Councillor Pauline Coakley Webb introduced the item and explained that one of the main issue of concern was the lack of safety for pedestrians, in particular those who may be more vulnerable such as children, the elderly and disabled. To address the safety issues, she was requesting the implementation of a 20mph speed limit on all residential roads in Friern Village including Ribblesdale Avenue, Regal Drive and Balmoral Avenue.  There was a further request for the existing double-yellow lines on the roundabout at the junction of Colney Hatch Lane with Ribblesdale Avenue to be extended by at least 20 metres into Ribblesdale Avenue.


Councillor Coakley Webb explained that cars and vans park opposite the traffic junction of Colney Hatch Lane and Ribblesdale causing a significant safety issue as any clear sight lines are impeded. The extension of the double yellow lines would prevent parking on what is already a very busy and narrow stretch of road.


The Highways manager advised the Sub-Committee that it is usual practice for a traffic engineer to carry out relevant investigation to conclude whether the concerns raised are justified and to identify the most appropriate solution. This would involve using his experience to determine the most appropriate solution having considered a range of possibilities. A 20mph zone is just one possible solution of many and this may not be considered to be the most appropriate in this case.


Members agreed that in order to make an informed decision further clarification and information on the practicalities/implications of a borough wide 20mph was required. This would assist the Sub-Committee in better understanding the wider issues associated with imposing 20mph.




(1)       The decision on the possibility of 20mph speed limit on all residential roads in Friern Barnet Village and extension of double yellow lines be deferred.


(2)       The Sub-Committee request that the Cabinet Member for Environment give consideration to formulating a borough wide policy on the issue of 20mph to assist the Sub-Committee in making an informed decision.



Woodhouse (Slip) Road N12 - Safety & Traffic Management Review pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Additional documents:


Due to time constraints the sub-Committee did not have sufficient time left to consider and discuss this item. It was agreed that it should be deferred to next meeting of the Sub-Committee


RESOLVED - That consideration of this report be deferred to next meeting of the Sub-Committee.


The Avenue / Marriot Road Junction EN5 - Proposed Pelican Crossing


The Highways Manager provided an update


Following a meeting between Officers and Councillor Longstaff it was agreed that due to the outcome of a road safety audit a pelican crossing was not considered to be suitable.


However officers are to consider progressing suitable alternative options that ultimately assure pedestrians that there is a comparatively safe pedestrian facility to cross:

·         In the first instance officers will consider strategically located pedestrian island(s) where feasible

·         and/or extend the existing 20mph zone to include an advisory section on The Avenue during peak time in a bid to lower the speeds

·         consider whether or not a road narrowing (priority give way / chicane) is appropriate

Officers to draw up the proposals and will, through the involvement of the School Travel Plan team, invite the school to engage with the process.


It is anticipated that a preliminary design with which to engage the school will be ready to circulate to ward members for discussion by end of November 2013.


RESOLVED - That the updated be noted.


Walksafe N14 Petition pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Additional documents:


The sub-Committee heard representations from Mr Daniel Hope, Chairman of the East Barnet Residents Association, the Lead Petitioner, Ms Cait O’Riordan and Councillor Lisa Rutter, ward Councillor Brunswick Park.


Councillor Brian Salinger, seconded by Councillor Quigley Turner moved an amendment to the recommendations. Upon being put to the vote the amended recommendation was declared carried.


RESOLVED - That the sub-Committee endorses the report and request that a progress report is brought back to the next meeting of the sub-Committee.


Matters referred from the Chipping Barnet Area Residents Forum (if any)


There were none.


Any item (s) that the Chairman decides are urgent


There were none.