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Business Planning (if required)

Meeting: 06/11/2017 - Adults and Safeguarding Committee (Item 7)

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The Chairman introduced the report and noted that the savings target for this Committee was £4.85 million in 2018/19 and £5.35 million in 2019/2020.


The Legal Officer in attendance informed the Committee that the Council adopted a new Constitution following the meeting of Full Council on 31 October 2017 and that express delegation for approval of fees and charges had been removed from the terms of reference of the thematic Committees and was retained within the responsibility for Full Council.  The Legal Officer advised that in order for Committee to consider the report, the Committee may wish to consider an amendment to recommendation 4 of the report.


The Chairman MOVED the following amendment to Recommendation 4 of the report, which was duly SECONDED by Councillor Thompstone:


4.     That the Adults and Safeguarding Committee agrees the proposed core leisure fees and charges 2018/19 to take effect from 1 April 20178 to 31 March 20189 (subject to confirmation from the Monitoring Officer that approval of the charges are within the committee’s remit, otherwise they will be referred to Full Council for decision.

Votes were recorded as follows:









The motion was CARRIED and became the substantive motion. 


At the invitation of the Chairman, the Strategic Director for Adults, Communities and Health referred to section 4.2.3 of the report, which outlined a proposed change for the charging policy for adult social care to remove the charge for telecare for those eligible for social care help in order to remove a barrier to people accepting the service. 


The Chairman MOVED the following amendment to Recommendation 1 of the report which was duly SECONDED by Councillor Longstaff:


1.     That the Adults and Safeguarding Committee agrees the savings programme as set out in Appendix A and section 4.2.3 (in respect of telecare) for recommendation to the Policy and Resources Committee.

Votes were recorded as follows:








The motion was CARRIED and became the substantive motion. 


Councillor Hart MOVED the following motion which was duly SECONDED by Councillor Thompstone:


5.That the Adults and Safeguarding Committee recommends to Policy and Resources Committee that the Adult Social Care precept is set at 3% for the year 2018-19.


Votes were recorded as follows:









The motion was CARRIED and became the substantive motion. 


Following the consideration of the report, the Chairman MOVED to the vote on the amended recommendation 1, as set out below:


1.     That the Adults and Safeguarding Committee agrees the savings programme as set out in Appendix A and section 4.2.3 (in respect of telecare) for recommendation to the Policy and Resources Committee.

Votes were recorded as follows:









Following, the tie, the Chairman used his casting vote and the Recommendation was CARRIED.











The Chairman moved to the vote on Recommendation 2 of the report, which was:


2.     That the Adults and Safeguarding Committee agrees to further work on the savings  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7