Decision details

Items for information

Decision Maker: Schools Forum

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


CP introduced the item and drew attention to the financial report circulated. She explained that since the last Schools Forum meeting on 8th December 2016, there had been no changes to the budget.


The third quarter provisional monitoring position forecasts an increase in the overspend of £247k. If there is an actual overspend, this will be the first call on DSG reserves.  CP went on to explain the reasons for over and underspends shown on the table in Appendix 1 by S251 line reference.

CP said there were no calls on contingency anticipated,  there was a reduction in net movement in OOB provision, additional bulge classes had resulted in an overspend, there had been a reduction in spend due to Oak Lodge’s academy conversion, increased expenditure for EYVF, but there was a small underspend that was less than Q2 projections. There has been a reduction in grant income.


The reserve position was £5m at the beginning of the year and there will be a drawdown of approximately £1.3m.


SV asked if there were any changes to the FEE2 eligibility criteria.

KP replied that EYVF was an additional type of funding, separate to FEE2, for children on a social care plan. They will now receive funding for a fixed period of time, usually 12 weeks rather than ongoing funding, at which point a progress review takes place.

Publication date: 09/02/2017

Date of decision: 09/02/2017

Decided at meeting: 09/02/2017 - Schools Forum

Accompanying Documents: